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at 新疆喀什 on 14/Aug/1999

Posted by snotch at July 15, 2003 1:57 AM

町の東方の艾孜来提路(Izlati Rd.)は、カシュガルの中心部から郊外の農村へと続く大通りだ。買い物を済ませたウイグル人や、農作業に出かける男衆などが頻繁に行き交う。大通りから一歩それると、ポプラがびっしりと両側に並んだ小道へつづき、道幅が狭くポプラの木がのっぽなので、炎天下であっても常に心地よい木陰を歩いていける。このあたりの人々にとって、ポプラは空気や水のごとく、生きるために重要な資源。木陰を提供してくれるだけではなく、成長が早く、節が少ない良質の建材として、住居やモスクの屋根に使われる。


Hi, are you taking photos with camera phones in China? Or were you using regular digital cameras? I am interested in how you do this within the region of China.

Hi, Schee.
I was wandering China in summer 1999.At that time,no degital cameras satisfied me in the shutter responce,quality and reliability.That is why I ware using analog film machines that are 35mm SLR and medium format twin-lens reflex camera.
In these days,functions of camera phones are upgrading at a dizzy speed.I am conceiving an idea to use blog tools as a context editor with mobile phone.

In China, its easy to publish and share your Camera Phone photos. There is a free service called MobilePUP which provides instant web publishing from any camera phone in china.

Check out the website and let me know what you think -