(チズムル島のゲストハウスのバー。毎日、泳いで、寝転がって本読んで......という堕落しきった日々でした。At a bar of guesthouse in Chizumulu. English owner Nick is really a nice friendly guy, who even let us use his house to watch "24". It's really worth visiting if you want a cheap laid-back comfortable days.)
(本土から島に渡る船。屋根のない甲板の上寝るのはとても気持ちよかったです。寝袋を適当に敷いて、マットレスがあれば借りて......。Ferry(called "Ilala") we took from the mainland to the islands. sleeping on the top deck with stars all around you was stunning. cool and relaxed.)
本土のンカタ・ベイ(Nkata Bay)というこれまたバックパッカーたちの格安リゾートのようになっている小さな小さな港町から夜8時ごろ船に乗って4時間ほどでチズムル島(Chizumulu)、さらに数時間後にリコマ島(Likoma)。チズムルの方が開発されていなく旅行者も少ないと聞いていたので、ぼくらはチズムルに行こうと船に乗ったものの、船の甲板で寝て、早朝5時前に気持ちよく起きて(最近毎日起きるのは5時半ごろ、6時には活動開始してます。アフリカタイムです)、そろそろかなと思っていると、すでにチズムルはすぎてリコマの前にいることが判明。というのは、ぼくらは勘違いしていてリコマが先で、そのあとチズムルに着くと思っていたため。
(マラウィ全般そうだけど、島で売ってる野菜はほとんどトマトのみ。それにタマネギ少々。だから地元の料理はほとんどトマトソース。Tomatos are almost only veggies you see on the island. they are good at dishes with tomato sauce, like italians.)
(水はすべて井戸で汲む。島にいくつかあって、水汲み行くのに1,2キロ歩いたり。みなボトルを持っていないため、ペットボトルを持って歩いていると、"Give me bottle"と子どもたちに連呼され、そういうところにこの国の生活の大変さを垣間見れます。You get water from well(there was an exact word for this machine which i couldn't recall). It's scattered around the island but you sometimes have to walk for kms to get there. Locals don't have bottles to fill water in, so kids always yell to us, "Give me bottle". You can feel realize its situation from the words.. )
(島にはバオバブだらけ。バオバブもたくさんみてると、何気に他の木とそんなに変わらないような気もしてきました。Baobab trees are everywhere.)
(リコマからチズムルまでは帆船で1時間ほど。船着場まで宿から歩くとぼくらの足で荷物を持ったら1時間以上はかかりそうで、しかも早朝4時すぎには歩き出さないといけないというハードさ。だから、前日港まで交渉にいって、ちょっと余計にお金を払って宿の前のビーチまで来てもらうことに。朝6時前に出発。アフリカの朝はどこもかなり早いです。でも慣れるととても気持ちがいい。We took a sail boat from Likoma to Chizumulu, which was supposed to leave around 5:30am. Port is about an hour walk from the guesthouse, so you have to leave around 4am(still dark!) to get there in time. We didn't want that so we made an arrangement beforehand to come and pick us up at the guesthouse. We had to walk to the port to make this arrangement on the previous day, since the boat owner didn't have a phone.)
(チズムル島でのダンスフェスティバルで。島民たちが踊りを競い合う. Local dance festival in Chizumulu. It's a competition.)
(ビールも水もとうもろこしも木材も、運ぶのはすべて女性。でも頭に抱える方法を身につけるとかなり楽に運べそう。Women carry everything for men here, beer, water, maze, suitcase, wood, literally everything! Although carrying on their heads should make this work easier... Guys, help them!)
さて、宣伝ですが、明日10月3日発売の「週刊金曜日」に「中国 異教徒たちの風景」という5ページの写真中心の企画が載ります。多分これが帰国前最後の仕事になりそうです。機会があれば見てみてください。
We finally left our last destination in our long trip and start heading back to Japan. The destination was 2 small islands in Malawi, Chizumulu and Likoma, which are surrounded by Lake Malawi.
Both islands are quite remote since there are only one ferry each direction(from north to south, and other way around), which is almost the only transport to the island. However, both islands have very nice guesthouse which make you feel like you are in a real resort area, and they are very cheap as well(about US$15/pp altogher(accomodation, food and drink)!).
We spent such a relaxed days for a week here. Except for walking around the island to see some villages and a local dancing festival, only thing we did was to swim, eat, drink, read, rest, sunbathe, snorkel, watch "24 season 6" at guesthouse's owner's house(we didn't finish though, of course), etc... Now we are prepared to go back to busy Japanese life, hopefully!
By the way, Malawi seems to be a real "macho-world". To be a woman here could be quite hard, since women are the ones who carry all the heavy things, on their heads with babies on their back. meanwhile, guys walk carrying nothing next to women...
we don't know whether you can just accused of this situation in respect of "human right", but still, there should be a lot of things guys can at least give some hands... Anyway, different country, different culture...
We are writing this on the ferry back from Chizumulu to mainland(this ferry is amazingly slow, taking more or less 24hours to go something like 200km!!).
We'll start looking for a cheap flight back to Japan. It probably would be cheapest to fly back from South Africa, so another long bus ride back to the country is waiting before we catch our flight.
(島から本土へ戻る船の上から。対岸はモザンビークで、船から小さなボートに乗り換えて陸地に行く人たち。モザンビークはポルトガル語. From the boat from the islands to the mainland. this land you can see here is Mozambique.)
hello my dear friends i enjoyed your mail !
yes in all muslim countries or muslim states people usually gathering in mosques
for when they want break their fasting in sunset.
i became happy when i was reading your mail..
thanks..i wish for you best in EFTAAR(when we want to eat in sunset;because our wish will do and everything we want from god)
uhh perhaps your travel is finishing...its a good result..
now i finished ramadan successfuly..bye.
hey, sorry for our late reply...
we are finally back in Japan!
it's really nice to be back home, as it's more than a year since we visited last time, and it's more than 5 years since we start living abroad...
Good to know that you successfully finished ramadan!
Hope everything is alright in Iran.
See you!
Posted by: yuki & motoko at October 10, 2008 1:26 AM