沖縄すば -瓦樹丸-
Category : [Fun]
Posted by snotch at November 5, 2002 8:08 PM
最近沖縄料理がちょっとした人気となっているようです。新宿アルタ裏の沖縄料理屋には、数年前から月に2回はゴーヤ定食(980円)を食べに行かなければ気が済まない自分ですが、今日、西新宿でたまたま別のお店を見つけました。外観こそ、あまり洗練されていない雰囲気を放出してますが、中は心地よい極彩色で彩られ、煩わしい有線BGMではなく、現代版沖縄音楽が流れるすてきな空間。ゴーヤ定食(850円 inc. tax)を注文しました。ゴーヤチャンプル、昆布炊き込みご飯、沖縄すば(そばのこと、薄味だけどしっかりした魚のだし)、昆布と豚肉の佃煮、みそがついてこのお値段は、ホントに感動した。久々に外食で愛を感じてしまいました。
All About Slow Food
The Italian association was founded in 1986 and its birth was celebrated in Barolo in the Langhe district in the province of Cuneo. The international movement was founded in Paris in 1989.
The definition contained in its Manifesto conveys a very clear message: a movement for the protection of the right to taste.
If Slow Food has grown into a large-scale international movement, with over 60,000 members in all five continents (of whom about half in Italy), it is precisely because the concept of ‘pleasure’ is a complex one encompassing many meanings and involving many aspects of our existence.
Slow Food's main offices, situated in Bra (Cuneo), a small town in southern Piedmont, employ about 100 people. They are the hub of a close-knit network of local grassroots offices in Italy and abroad, the so-called convivia, which promote the movement by staging events, debates and other initiatives. Thanks to the hard work and enthusiasm of their managers, collaborators and members, they provide continuous feedback to the central offices in Bra.
Posted by: h.katou | November 6, 2002 2:07 PM
Posted by: sunouchi | November 6, 2002 10:06 PM