September 16, 2008

またまた移動の日々でした<Lilongwe, Malawi>





(またまた激しく移動してしまいました。アフリカのこの辺は物価高いです、ほんとに。普通のスーパーに売ってるものも高いので(ナス2つで300円しました!)、どうやって現地の人が暮らせているのか不思議だったりします。ボツワナで聞いたところでは、平均の月収は1万円ぐらいと言っていたのに......。地図が切れちゃいましたが、いまいるチパタ(Chipata)のすぐ東からマラウィが始まります。We moved a lot again in this one week. It's too expensive for us to linger about in this area, though not so as in Europe, of course. We wonder how the locals live with this price, since their wage is quite low as far as we know, and the commodity in a supermarket is quite expensive. Just two eggplants cost 2 euro! Malawi starts just next to Chipata, where we are at the moment.)



(水に体を埋める無数のカバ。ガイドの女性の説明によるとオスは一頭のみで残りは全てメスだとか。Some hippos in the water.)


(ボツワナ・ザンビアの国境のボツワナ側。川の向こうがザンビア。この2日前、素子の大バックパックがこの船の上まで運ばれ、船がでる直前に犯人確保。At the border of Botswana and Zambia. This is where we caught a woman who stole Motoko's big backpack 2 days before. )


(マウリンが3人の子どもを連れてぼくらの泊まっていたゲストハウスに遊びに来てくれました。上の子が12歳、下の2人は6歳の双子。Maureen came to visit us in our guesthouse. She has 12-year-old daughter and 6-year-old twins )



(リビングストンを発つ直前、バス停で。They even came to send us off at the bus station. Just before we leave Livingstone for Lusaka.)

We've just crossed the border from Zambia to Malawi today, and now at the capital town of Malawi, called Lilongwe.

In Zambia, we just visited Livingstone for famous Victoria falls, and Lusaka for transit, and Chipata, a border town to Malawi. Zambia is one of the most expensive countries in Africa and we were kind of running away from there...

In Kasane, Botswana, we joined 3-hour river cruise in Chobe National Park. It's supposed to be a good place to see elephants and hippos up close. We've already started to feel that elephants are everywhere.

After crossing the border from Botswana to Zambia, we arrived at Livingstone. There we got to know a lady, Maureen, in our age(born '75) who's supporting 7 people of her family including 3 kids of her own. She lost her husband because of Malaria 5 years ago just a few years after both of her parents passed away. She said her father was poisoned to death, not knowing who did and why. Meeting those people who are struggling to live, we feel embarrased to say that we are travelling around the world more than a year... We shouldn't forget that the only reason we have this privilege is just because we were born in a developed country..

(チョビ国立公園で、船から夕日を眺める。木の枝には大きな鳥が何羽も止まっていました。Sunset from the boat at Chobe National Park. There are many big birds on the tree.)

Posted by ykon at September 16, 2008 10:38 PM | パーマリンク | コメント (11) | トラックバック (0)