(ヨハネスブルグの黒人居住地区、ソウェト(Soweto)の保育園。白昼堂々銃声が聞こえることも珍しくないというヨハネスブルグの大変さを感じさせられます。Soweto, black residential area in Johannesburg. this is a kindergarten)
We just left Johannesburg and arrived at Nelspruit, a city near Kruger national park. Internet cafe is just closing know, so didn't have time to translate!! But some photos above from Johannesburg. Second one, a couple in Soweto, living in a very small room which has kitchen and bed everything together in one place. the last photo, is Roanne, Motoko's english teacher in Tokyo, and her mother. We are so glad to see them in Johannesburg, and thanks to Roanne, we start to feel more familiar and closer to Johannesburg.
We are planning to join safari tour for a few days from tomorrow! should be really exciting!!!
enjoy s africa.
have nice days there..
what is your idea about ramdhan?
hi again..see mailbox
the name ramadan is more correct.
girls older than 9
and boys older than 15 shoud have Break(no eating)
bye bye......
go and search for islam
or www.islam.com
Posted by: hamid at September 2, 2008 11:03 AM>hamid
sorry for our late reply!
Since arriving in Africa, getting online is not so easy...
Well, how is your ramadan going?
We had an email from other muslim friend(from Uzbekistan) as well and we could feel how happy you are about having ramadan... Hope you are enjoying it very much! We are now in Zambia, heading for Malawi, which is an eastern neighbor of Zambia.
Enjoy your day!