Movable Type supports many options for configuring the way your blog works.
There are four different screens in the Blog Configuration
will be located. An
absolute path (a path starting with /
) is preferred, because it is not
dependent on the location of your Movable Type directory; but if you choose to
use a relative path, the path should be relative to your Movable Type
This is a required field.
Example: /home/melody/public_html/blog
and your site's domain name) to your public
weblog. This URL should not include the filename of your index file; for
example, if your index file is located at, then the value for Site URL
should be
This URL will be sent to when sending an XML-RPC ping (if you have enabled this option--see Notify weblogs of updates, below).
This is a required field.
) is preferred, because it is not dependent on
the location of your Movable Type directory; but if you choose to use a
relative path, the path should be relative to your Movable Type directory.
Note that, if you wish to place your archive files in the same directory as
your index files, the Local Archive Path
and the Local Site Path
point to the same directory.
This is a required field.
Example: /home/melody/public_html/blog/archives
and your site's domain name) to the archives
section of your public weblog.
This is a required field.
This is a required field.
tag; this is merely the
default, used when you do not supply MTEntries
with any attributes.
For example, if you wish to display the last 15
entries that you have
posted to your blog, you could use the lastn
attribute to MTEntries
instead of relying on the default behavior:
<MTEntries lastn="15"> ... </MTEntries>
Note that, if you choose 7
days, 7 days means the last 7 consecutive days,
not necessarily the last 7 days on which you posted an entry. So if you
have posted on just 3 of the last 7 days, only the posts from those 3 days
will be listed on your main indexes.
Note also that a ``day'' is defined as the time from 24 hours ago to now, where
``now'' is the time at which you are rebuilding your site. It does not mean
from 12 AM to now on the current day. As an example, if you are including
day on your index and you posted an entry one day at 6 PM, that entry
will show up on your index until the next day at 5:59 PM.
This is a required field.
Convert line breaks
This setting controls the default value for that setting: if checked, the
Convert line breaks
setting will be checked by default when creating a new
entry; if unchecked, that setting will also be unchecked.
words of your entry.
The number of words in the excerpt defaults to 20
Editing Menu
, they will be
presented with a message welcoming them, and providing a link to the manual
and some introductory text. You can edit this welcome message in the
Welcome Message configuration field to send specific messages to your
authors, post news about your blog, etc.
If you have not selected any archive types (Archive Frequency
, above), you
should select No Archives
for your Preferred Archive Type
If you would like Movable Type to notify and/or of updates to your site automatically--whenever you post an entry on your site--check the corresponding box.
In addition to and, there are other services that provide similar functionality. If you would like to ping such services automatically, and if they support the XML-RPC ping interface (, you can add the URLs for those XML-RPC servers to the Others box. Separate the URLs with carriage returns.
updated key
. This key will then be sent to whenever you update
your site, and your site will be marked as recently updated.
, for example), you
will need to sign up for a Google API key ( ),
then paste your API key into this field. Your key will be sent to Google's
servers whenever you use Google API functionality.
This takes all of the work out of using TrackBack. You only need to link to
permalinks as you always have, and Movable Type can do the work for you. You
will be notified of the sites that are being pinged on the Pinging...
You do not have to select any archive types, if you don't want archiving on your blog; just leave all of the boxes unchecked.
Archive Type
that you use, you can
define an Archive File Template
in the box to its right on the
configuration screen.
For example, by default monthly archive files are stored directly in your
Local Archive Path
, and are called YYYY_MM.html (2001_12.html, for
example). You might prefer your monthly archives to be stored in
2001/12/index.html. To do this, you can set the Archive File Template
for your Monthly
archives to
<$MTArchiveDate format="%Y/%m/index.html"$>
Another example: by default individual archive files are named by the padded
form of the entry ID (000002.html, for example), and are stored directly
in your Local Archive Path
directory. You may wish to impose a hierarchy
on your archives, based on the category into which you've placed them; for
example, you would place all entries in the category Books
into a
directory called books/. To do this, you can use the following Archive
File Template
for your Individual
<$MTEntryCategory dirify="1"$>/<$MTEntryID pad="1"$>.html
A final example: by default Weekly
archives are named using only the start
date of the week (week_2002_01_06.html, for example). If you would like to
include both the start and end dates in the filename, you can use the following
Archive File Template
for your Weekly
week_<$MTArchiveDate format="%Y_%m_%d"$>-<$MTArchiveDateEnd format="%Y_%m_%d"$>.html
Archive File Templates
are defined using a subset of the standard Movable
Type template tags. The following tags can be used in
Archive File Templates
and <$MTArchiveDateEnd$>
(doc) for date-based archives
, Daily
, Weekly
(doc) for Category
(doc) for Category
(doc) tags for
NOTE: when using Archive File Templates
, you must append the file
extension that you wish to use for your archive files (as in the examples
above). The file extension that you specify in File extension for archive
will not be used.
To ban a certain IP address from commenting on entries in your blog and sending TrackBack pings to your blog, you can use the IP Banning screen (part of the Blog Configuration set of screens).
Note that IP banning is not an exact science, and that it should not be considered true security for your site, because an IP address does not necessarily ``mark'' a user as unique. IP addresses are often dynamically assigned by ISPs, for example; this means that a user's IP address may change from one session to the next. In addition, computers at public sites (a library, for example) may always have the same IP address, but the user using the system will certainly not always be the same.
In other words, you should be careful when banning IP addresses.
To add a new banned IP address, enter the IP address into the IP Address:
box, and press ADD TO LIST
. To remove an IP address that is currently
banned, check the checkbox next to that IP address in the IP Ban List
and click the DELETE