September 19, 2003

Lisbon Asagao

Here and there around Lisbon,
you come across the wide wide spread of
ASAGAO (MorningGlory: I love this name) look-alike flower.

they must be most powerful and common.
Powerful. they really are powerful;
they completely cover the vast flat area.
they completely cover the large wall.
yes they extend their arms horiyontally and vertically.
they are active not only in the morning but also in the daytime.

And what so impresses me is, their color.
they are amazing violet (blueish) or amazing purple (reddish).
the violet or purple spots which spread all over the place
are really overwhelming us.
How come they get such a vivid color?
maybe they owe it to beautiful Portuguese sunshine and soil.

9/19 going back to Vienna
9/21 OS051 14:35(vienna) >>> 08:55+1(tokyo)

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